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One App,
Many Uses

The Watermill Wash app makes it easy to view and manage your account while on-the-go. Not to mention, checkout becomes a breeze – just scan your app at the wash’s pay station and go!

Click Below To Download
Download on the App Store
Get it on Google Play
Or Text WATERMILL to 575-222-2201 To Get Our App
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What You Get With The Watermill Wash App

Control It All In One Easy Mobile App

The Watermill Wash app is easy and convenient. It allows you to view, manage your account and make purchases from one simple to use app. Not to mention, you receive special discounts and promotions right from your phone!

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Control Your Membership

Experience your favorite membership in a different way. The Watermill Wash app offers a quick and convenient way to join any membership option, and manage your membership on the go.

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Self-Serve Wash

Looking to wash your car yourself? Great news, you can purchase your wash right in our Watermill Wash app! Simply purchase your self-serve wash and enjoy our state of the art self-wash with 12 different levels!

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Touchless Wash

Our Watermill Wash app enables you to purchase any of our 4 touchless wash levels starting at $12.00. It's easy, you get a code on your phone and use it at the wash. We make it simple!

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Pet Wash 

Looking to purchase a pet wash? No problem! Easily choose our pet wash option starting at $12.00 in the app and enjoy washing your furry friend! Your pet will love it too! Don't forget to bring a towel!

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